Finding Scholarships

Welcome to our scholarship database!
Here you will find information about our DAAD scholarship programmes for international students and researchers as well as offers from other selected funding organisations.

Please also take note of our important scholarship information.
Please note:
The usage of the application portal is possible only to a limited extent with mobile devices. Please use your desktop computer. Technical requirements

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A print version of this announcement (PDF) is available in the further tabs (e.g. “Application requirements”).


To intensify German-Chinese research cooperation and improve funding opportunities for young Chinese scientists and academics, the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the DAAD have offered a joint programme to support Chinese postdocs since 2013.

Who can apply?

Outstanding graduates from Chinese Universities and institutes.

What can be funded?

The scholarship programme offers young Chinese scientists and academics the opportunity to carry out a research project at a university or non-university research institute in Germany.

Duration of the funding

The earliest possible funding period starts in July of the following year.
The funding duration is 6-24 months. After a 12-month funding period, a decision is made as to whether funding will be continued for up to 12 more months.


Payments made by the CSC:

  • Monthly scholarship payments of 1.350 euros
  • Travel expenses for one outward and one return journey
  • Payment of visa fees

Payments made by the DAAD:
  • Monthly scholarship payments of 700 euros
  • Health insurance
  • Two-month language course in China (if necessary)
  • Two-day pre-departure training
  • Monthly research allowance for the German host institute of 200 euros


A selection committee consisting of experts from both the CSC and DAAD reviews applications.

What requirements must be met?

The doctoral degree should have been completed no longer than two years before the time of application.
Doctoral students finishing their PhD studies by the beginning of the scholarship are also eligible to apply. PhD certificates must be submitted shortly beforehand.

Language skills

English: TOEFLiBT 80 or IELTS 6.0
German: DSH2 or TestDaF 14 or onDAF
Candidates who have none of the listed certificates can submit a language certificate issued by a professor from the host university. This certificate must confirm that the candidate's language skills satisfy the requirements of a research visit to Germany.

Application deadline

The DAAD application must be made online via the DAAD Portal between 1st November to 30th November.

Application documents

The requirements of the application documents of both funding organisations are not identical – more information is available on the websites of the China Scholarship Council (CSC). In addition, further information and forms concerning the documents to be submitted to the DAAD can be found on the homepage of the DAAD Beijing Branch Office.

1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:

  • Information Sheet
  • Online application form
  • Full curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • List of publications
  • Extensive and detailed description of the research proposal which has been agreed upon with the academic adviser (signed by the German host professor)
  • Schedule of the planned research work agreed with the host institution (signed by the German host professor)
  • Individual letter confirming supervision which responds to the qualification of the applicant as well as the quality of the research project
  • University degree certificates (bachelor, master), each with degree certificate, graduation certificate, academic record (applicants of successive postgraduate-doctoral program submit an education certificate instead of the graduation certificate), academic achievements of docotral studies
  • Certificate of knowledge of German or Englisch language
    - English: IELTS (5,5) / TOEFL iBT (80)
    - German: DSH II / TestDaF4x4 or higher
  • Other documents which support the application (e.g. certificates of employment, proof of placements etc.)

2. To be submitted by post:
  • Two recent references from university lecturers providing information on the applicant’s qualification/ability. Please regard the instructions given on the tab “Submitting an application“.

  • The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal.
  • A translation must always be provided with Chinese documents.
  • Please note that the access to the application portal only appears while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is not available until the next application period.

Application location

German Academic Exchange Service
Beijing Branch Office
DRC Building D1, 1102A
19 Dongfang Donglu,
Chaoyang District
100600 Beijing, VR China
Tel.: +86 010/6590 6656
Fax.: +86 (10)/6590-6393

Please note

  • Certificates, proof of credits, references and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and uploaded to the DAAD portal. The DAAD will only request certified copies of documents submitted online if a grant is awarded.
  • Please note that the "Submitting an application" tab on the scholarship database only appears during the current application period. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme will not be available until the next application period.
  • Applications will only be valid if all the required documents are submitted via the DAAD portal (see item 1) and by post (see item 2). The postmark date will serve as proof as to whether the application was dispatched on time.
  • The DAAD portal closes at 24.00 Central European Time (CET) on the last application day.
  • Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their applications are complete.
  • Application documents remain with the DAAD. Data relating to applicants is saved by the DAAD in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act and the EU Data Protection Regulation and insofar as this data is needed to process the application.

Information and advisory centres

Ms REN Jie
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Beijing Branch Office
DRC Building D1, 1102A
19 Dongfang Donglu
Chaoyang District
100600 Beijing, VR China
phone: +86 010/6590 6656

Ms LI Mei
China Scholarship Council (CSC)
Level 13, Building A3
No. 9 Chegongzhuang Avenue 8
100044 Beijing
Phone: +86-010/6609 3932

More detailed information

General information on the application via DAAD portal

You can access the DAAD portal by clicking "Application portal" at the end of the page. Here you will find an online application form in which you can enter your application data.

This is what you have to do:

1. Register in the DAAD portal (Read notes about registering in the portal >>)

2. Request references (if necessary according to the call for proposals, see "Application procedure")
The form, which has to be completed by a referee, has to be generated in the DAAD portal in the section "Request reference" after registration and downloaded. Please send the form by e-mail to your referee and ask for the completed reference form to be returned to you in a sealed envelope. In each case, please provide your referee with the application address thus enabling him/her to send the recommendation letter there direct.

Please note that the form for completion by a referee can only be generated during the application period (from about 6 weeks before the application deadline).
Please generate one form for each referee.

3. Applying online in the DAAD portal (Read notes on applying in the portal >>)

  • Download and complete the online application form
  • Prepare application documents
  • If necessary, translate documents (unless they are already in German or English).
  • Scan paper documents (except references) and save in PDF format. Please note that you can only upload PDF files to the portal.
  • Upload the completed application form and the required appendices (except references and any work samples which you might have to submit) to the portal in PDF format. Translations, if applicable, should be uploaded together with the document issued in the original language.
  • Submit the uploaded application documents online.

4. Sending application documents by post
Please submit the required references (in sealed envelopes) and a work sample, if applicable, by post. Do not enclose any other documents that have not been uploaded in the portal!

Information for applicants from non-EU countries:
Please remember to specify the exact contents of your postal consignment in the documents for the customs authorities, e.g. "Application for a scholarship with application documents, a reference and a DVD with work samples".

Please note:
If you have any technical questions or problems your local information and advice centres could not help you with, please do not hesitate to contact via e-mail.
Please consider possible processing times of your request when you are planning your application.

Please also take note of our important scholarship information.