Finding Scholarships

Welcome to our scholarship database!
Here you will find information about our DAAD scholarship programmes for international students and researchers as well as offers from other selected funding organisations.

Please also take note of our important scholarship information.
Please note:
The usage of the application portal is possible only to a limited extent with mobile devices. Please use your desktop computer. Technical requirements

Eine Druckversion dieser Ausschreibung (PDF) steht Ihnen in den weiteren Registerkarten (z.B. „Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen“) zur Verfügung.

A print version of this announcement (PDF) is available in the further tabs (e.g. “Application requirements”).


The aim of the programme is to interest graduates of the Taiwan Summer Institute Programme in Germany as a centre of research and to encourage them to spend a longer period in the country.

Who can apply?

Doctoral candidates and students of Master's degree courses from Taiwan

What can be funded?

A short research period at state or state-recognised universities or non-university research institutes and in industry

Duration of the funding

2 to 3 months from July


Monthly payments from the DAAD for foreign students of Master's degree courses or doctoral candidates


Selection is made by the National Science and Technology Council - NSTC

Further information

National Science and Technology Council - NSTC

Information and advisory centres

National Science and Technology Council - NSTC

Please also take note of our important scholarship information.