Finding Scholarships

Welcome to our scholarship database!
Here you will find information about our DAAD scholarship programmes for international students and researchers as well as offers from other selected funding organisations.

Please also take note of our important scholarship information.
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The usage of the application portal is possible only to a limited extent with mobile devices. Please use your desktop computer. Technical requirements

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Programme Description

BAföG, the Federal Training Assistance Act, provides funding to support studying in Germany. It can also be used to finance school-leaving qualifications and vocational training at a school or academy. Half of the funds are provided as a grant, the other half is an interest-free loan that must be repaid at a later time.
Students from abroad can also receive BAföG - for example, EU nationals and people who have a settlement permit or are recognised as refugees, as well as their family members.
BAföG can also be paid if you are studying wholly or partly in another EU country or Switzerland. For degree programmes in non-EU countries, funding is also possible for some part.

Target Group

You can receive BAföG if you are studying at a public or private higher education institution or academy whose degrees are equivalent to higher education degrees under state law. You should also be under 45 years of age at the start of your studies.

Eligible for funding are Germans and citizens of the European Union, migrants and refugees who live in Germany (see here for more details) and are aiming for a secondary school-leaving qualification, are studying or are completing vocational training at a school or academy.


In principle, students receive BAföG until the end of the standard period of study (maximum funding period) - even during the lecture breaks. In certain cases, an application for an extension can be made - for example, due to pregnancy, raising children or caring for a close relative.

Scholarship Value

The financial support is adjusted according to the financial means of the applicants and their families. The amount of funding can thus be determined by

  • the income of the parents, spouse or registered partner in the calendar year before last
  • the applicant's own income (e.g. from a part-time or holiday job)
  • the applicant's assets
The maximum amount (including healthcare and long-term-care insurance) for students at higher education institutions who are not living in the same household as their parents is currently of 992 EUR per month.
There are different types of funding for different target groups. Please find further information on the topic here.

Application Papers

Students should apply at the Student Services (Studierendenwerk) at the location of their higher education institution. These are responsible for processing applications.
All relevant contact data (addresses, telephone numbers, websites) of the Education Assistance Offices (Ämter für Ausbildungsförderung) can be found at www.bafö

Application Deadline

Applications should be submitted in due time before the beginning of the studies.

Application Requirements

Whether BAföG is granted depends on the personal requirements: relevant factors are nationality or residence status, age and suitability for the desired education as well as private income and assets.
The personal requirements for an application are detailed here.


Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Information centre

Tel.: 0800/2236341

Please also take note of our important scholarship information.