The language of all courses and course assignments is English.
In the first two semesters, the course contents are structured with subject-specific modules. In the third semester, the planning and management modules are integrating the specific subject knowledge in a synergetic and holistic way. Specific contents are climate and ecology, including functions and performances of ecosystems; forest-related development policy and forest culture by the aid of models and instruments of rural development; assessment, growth and evaluation of forest resources; forest utilisation based on specific parameters, harvest, transport, storage, processing and marketing of timber and none-timber forest products, economic aspects and management of forest resources, forms and models of natural resource management organisations, management systems and cooperation models and their analysis; integrated management of vegetation, soil and water in catchment areas; silviculture and conservation of biodiversity in natural forests; silviculture and forest protection in plantation forests as well as agroforestry; urban and peri-urban tree and forest management in various contexts; computer based modelling; and communication and conflict management.
Delivered course content focuses on forest management strategies for both natural forest and forest plantations in the tropics; spatial and temporal coordination of diverse management strategies and land use management as well as theoretical and methodical knowledge of planning at project and landscape scale; and planning scientific work and research, including publishing. In addition to lectures, excursions take place.