English and German
The lecturer may choose the language of instruction in consultation with the students.
The degree programme is a research Master's degree, offering students the opportunity to delve deeply into a topic of their choice, which they select in collaboration with professors and institutes. In addition to the internships accompanying the lectures, 50% of this degree programme consists of practical laboratory work, known as the research phases. The other teaching modules are individually tailored to suit the chosen research topic. Since the research phases of each semester are cumulative, students engage intensively with a topic over a much longer duration than typical. Consequently, the result at the end of the programme surpasses that of "normal" Master's theses, and graduates leave the university as experts requiring minimal further training in their respective future fields of work. This research Master's programme is therefore also particularly useful as preparation for a scientific career in medical technology. The faculty's strong research orientation offers excellent opportunities and well-equipped laboratories for exciting challenges in medical technology research.
In general, the application deadline starts around the beginning of November of every year for the programme beginning the following March, and around mid-June of every year for the programme beginning the following September. We recommend regularly checking our site for updates before March/September of each year.
See https://www.fh-aachen.de/studium/studiengaenge/medizintechnik/medical-engineering-msc/bewerbung for current application deadlines. We only accept online applications!
Students acquire a wide-ranging, integrated knowledge and understanding of the scientific and technical fundamentals of their field of study. They have at their disposal a critical understanding of the basic theories, principles and methods dealt with during their studies, and are in a position to broaden this knowledge independently.
Moreover, students gain the ability to collect and interpret data and use it to infer scientifically based judgements, as well as to implement appropriate solutions that take into account social, scientific, and ethical issues, and to construct continuous learning processes independently. They learn how to formulate and defend opinions and solutions with reference to their specific field, to exchange information, ideas, problems and solutions with experts and laymen, and to work responsibly in modern professional life.
Our modern, well-equipped labs play a major role in ensuring that students are later able to apply their knowledge to their chosen careers. Advanced students plan projects together, work towards a common goal and then present their results in a written report as well as to the class.
Our instruction methods include problem-based approaches and integrated team work. By taking modules in business and management, research planning and scientific writing, students obtain skills necessary for their future success.