International Programmes 2023/2024

Master of Science in Commercial Vehicle Technology Master of Science in Commercial Vehicle Technology

RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau • Kaiserslautern

Master of Science (MSc)
In cooperation with

Centre for Commercial Vehicle Technology (ZNT) & Commercial Vehicle Cluster Südwest (CVC)

Teaching language
  • German
  • English

Participants can choose to write their Master's theses in either German or English.

Full-time / part-time
  • full-time
Programme duration
4 semesters
Winter semester
Additional information on beginning, duration and mode of study

The orientation course is a prelude to German communication, academic culture & daily life. This course is offered twice a year prior to the start of the lecture period (six to eight weeks). It includes language training, administrative support as well as cultural and social events. You will improve your knowledge of German and learn about our teaching styles and methods. In short, this course enhances orientation on campus, in town, and in the student community. Once having established a foothold, you will have a clear mind for efficient studies or research!

Application deadline

Deadline for the application to the Master's programme for candidates from foreign countries needing a visa for the winter semester is 30 April.

For candidates already holding a visa and for candidates from the EU, the application deadline for the winter semester is 15 July.

For candidates from Germany, the application deadline for the winter semester is 31 August.

Please note: There is no summer intake.

Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Combined Master's degree / PhD programme
Joint degree / double degree programme

The Master's programme in Commercial Vehicle Technology (CVT) is the first interdisciplinary Master’s programme worldwide that is fully accredited by ASIIN. The programme offers a bilingual, interdisciplinary approach and a close cooperation with industry.
The education and research on CVT topics like...

  • Hybridisation & Electrification
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
  • Autonomous Driving
  • Big Data & Digital Twin
  • Human-Machine Interaction

...integrate all major fields of the product life cycle of commercial vehicles, such as vehicle design & dynamics, materials science, joining technology, and production technology. At the same time, it also incorporates a range of sociological aspects and soft skills.

The Master's programme in Commercial Vehicle Technology is an interdisciplinary Master's programme offered by the following faculties:

  • Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • Department of Business Studies and Economics

The CVT programme is designed for three major target groups:

  • Highly qualified German graduate students
  • Highly qualified international graduate students
  • High-potential employees of CVT enterprises as a further education opportunity

The programme includes:

  • Compulsory and elective engineering modules (choice from catalogue)
  • Project internship ("Projektpraktikum") in the commercial vehicle industry in Germany
  • Cooperative research activities (Master's thesis)
  • Social sciences and soft skills courses

This international and interdisciplinary study programme focuses on teaching students a sufficiently comprehensive knowledge in the fields of mechanical and process engineering, electrical and information engineering, and computer science. The main objective is to deal with interdisciplinary issues in the area of commercial vehicle technology, which can be difficult even for interdisciplinary teams, and to close the communication gaps in classical teams. This includes the teaching ...

  • … of skills to think in at least three engineering disciplines simultaneously and of a high level technical and methodological knowledge, both research- and industry-related, from all disciplines
  • … of an interdisciplinary way of thinking and thus of high interdisciplinary problem-solving skills
  • … of basic knowledge in the field of economics and organisation
  • … of general soft skills, such as teamwork or communication skills
  • … of skills for social and cultural engagement, especially by the course offerings in the area of social and economic sciences. This enhances the students' sense of reflection and responsibility in terms of a democratic community. This includes, for example, offerings in the area of ethics or psychology.
Course organisation

The first two semesters are dedicated to acquiring basic knowledge in the three major disciplines (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science) in mandatory subjects. All mandatory subjects are held in English. Up to the third semester, knowledge in the CVT sector is generally acquired in elective subjects. Elective subjects are held partly in English and partly in German. In the third semester, a CVT-specific project internship is completed in the commercial vehicle industry. The fourth semester is dedicated to a Master's thesis supervised by one of the scientific institutes at RPTU. The programme is accompanied by courses in social sciences and business studies & economics.

Further information is available at

A Diploma supplement will be issued
International elements
  • Integrated study abroad unit(s)
  • Language training provided
  • Training in intercultural skills
Integrated study abroad unit(s)

For German students: project internship abroad possible

For foreign students: project internship in Germany

Integrated internships

Project internship in the commercial vehicle industry

Course-specific, integrated German language courses
Course-specific, integrated English language courses
Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Semester contribution
  • Enrolment fee: approx. 260 EUR per semester, includes e.g. free transport in the area around Kaiserslautern (up to 100 km), more than 50 free university sports courses, and more
  • Assessment fee: 60 EUR single payment for verification of foreign certificates (you will get an invoice after submitting your application)
  • Recommended: German Language & Orientation Course for international Master's students: 800 EUR single payment
Costs of living

High standard of living at a low cost:

  • Monthly costs: in total approx. 800 EUR to cover all personal expenses, e.g. accommodation: approx. 350 EUR; health insurance: approx. 110 EUR; food: approx. 300 EUR
  • Cost of living – a snapshot of regional prices:
    • Meal in refectory: 2.75 - 4 EUR
    • Loaf of bread: 3 EUR
    • Orange juice (1 litre): 1.50 EUR
    • Rice (1kg): 1.60 EUR
Funding opportunities within the university
Description of the above-mentioned funding opportunities within the university

When you take part in the CVT Master's programme, you will have the opportunity to apply for scholarships from different departments as well as the Deutschlandstipendium or the STIBET scholarship.

Academic admission requirements
  • Qualified Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) or Master's degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields
  • Transcript of records (ToR)
  • Certified translation (in German or English) of your degree certificate and transcript of records (only if your certificates are not in English or German)
  • Proof of English and German language proficiency (see section "Language Requirements")
  • Description of subjects covered during your previous studies
  • Letter of motivation (two pages maximum)
  • One letter of recommendation from faculty staff
  • Detailed curriculum vitae (CV)
  • APS certificate (for applicants from India, the People’s Republic of China and Vietnam only)

All documents need to be available by the application deadline!

Further information is available at

Language requirements

German language proficiency: Level A2 (basic knowledge) or higher, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is needed. A higher level certificate (B1 or higher) increases the chances of being selected for admission to the CVT Master's programme. An exam certificate is required. Only certificates from the Goethe Institute or ÖSD centres will be accepted. You may submit a certificate from a private institute if they have a cooperation with the Goethe Institute, an ÖSD centre, or TELC and if this is stated on the certificate. Other certificates cannot be accepted. 

English language proficiency: Applicants are required to provide proof of English language proficiency in the following form: TOEFL (550 paper-based, 213 computer-based, 80 Internet-based) or IELTS (6.0). If you have already completed a Bachelor's course of study that was taught entirely in English, you may not need a language certificate. However, this must be indicated on the application and noted on the certificate.

All documents need to be available by the application deadline! These have to be uploaded with the other application documents.

Further information is available at

Application deadline

Deadline for the application to the Master's programme for candidates from foreign countries needing a visa for the winter semester is 30 April.

For candidates already holding a visa and for candidates from the EU, the application deadline for the winter semester is 15 July.

For candidates from Germany, the application deadline for the winter semester is 31 August.

Please note: There is no summer intake.

Submit application to (online application platform)

Possibility of finding part-time employment

Student assistant jobs are available on a competitive basis at the university, the partner institutes of the Science & Innovation Alliance Kaiserslautern (including DFKI, Max Planck, Fraunhofer, etc.) or at nearby industry companies (John Deere, Daimler, BASF, etc.). Excellent students have good chances of finding jobs in research projects, but these are not usually granted in advance.


The majority of our students live in residence halls located on or close to campus. Unlike in other countries, German dormitories are not owned or operated by the university but by external institutions. The "Studierendenwerk" operates several large halls of residence in Kaiserslautern. Students submit housing applications directly to the Studierendenwerk; typically, there is a waiting period for rooms. For international Master's or PhD students, the Department of International Affairs aims at arranging accommodation in these residence halls or in private accommodation within its pre-arrival service. The halls of residence have modern single, double or shared apartments with kitchenette, bathroom/WC, and modern facilities as well as Internet access.

  • Fully-furnished:
    • Kitchenette (no plates & pots, etc.)
    • Bed & mattress (no blankets & pillows)
    • Wardrobe
    • Shelf, table, chair (no computer)
  • Rent: approx. 350 EUR

Since accommodation is not automatically guaranteed with admission, submitting a request for accommodation to the Department of International Affairs is advisable.

Optional: To help international students get started in Kaiserslautern, the "Studierendenwerk" offers a starter package for apartments. This package can be purchased from the "Studierendenwerk" for 95 EUR:

Career advisory service

Mentor for all CVT Graduate School affairs

Support for international students and doctoral candidates
  • Welcome event
  • Accompanying programme
  • Cultural and linguistic preparation
  • Visa matters
  • Pick-up service
General services and support for international students and doctoral candidates

The Department of International Affairs (RefIntA): lending a hand in every phase of your stay

Before Your Arrival...
Effective pre-arrival communication helps you to arrange your application, visa, residence permit, and housing affairs. 

Once You Are Here...
One major task of the RefintA team is to help the students settle into and become part of the university's community.

Apart from the individual support during the pre-arrival phase and a warm welcome, we will provide you with continuing support that will enhance your learning. We also accompany international students on their way from university to labour market by pointing out options for further education and personal development.

Mentoring Your Studies and Research...
Both during your studies and research, RefIntA offers a variety of cultural and social events as well as extra-curricular activities that enhance your professional skills.

RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau

Content Bild
Campus of RPTU in Kaiserslautern © Koziel, RPTU

RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau is a technology-oriented university and offers over 110 courses of study in the following 16 departments:

  • Architecture
  • Biology
  • Business Studies & Economics
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Cultural & Social Sciences (Landau)
  • Educational Sciences (Landau)
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical & Process Engineering
  • Natural & Environmental Sciences (Landau)
  • Physics
  • Psychology (Landau)
  • Spatial & Environmental Planning
  • Social Sciences

By virtue of its internationally renowned faculties as well as its compact size and locations, RPTU attracts a large number of talented students from all over the world. Our extraordinarily high ratio of postgraduate and doctoral students underlines the university's focus on research, Master's studies, and doctoral research training.

With a current enrolment of approx. 20,000 students (share of international students: approx. 23%), the university has a manageable size and therefore ensures excellent guidance and close contact with professors. Thus, the university offers an outstanding support ratio of students per lecturer, e.g. three students per lecturer in the Department of Physics (national average: 12).

The Department of International Affairs has profound experience with international students and supports them in every phase of their studies or research. Besides effective pre-arrival communication, administrative support, and social services, the Department of International Affairs (RefIntA) offers professional training for PhD students and postgraduates as well as qualified career counselling. The task of helping students "feel at home" and "not get lost" is of major importance in RefIntA team's efforts.

CVT Interdisciplinary, international, unique
0 Tuition fees

University location

Kaiserslautern – proud history and bright future

Already Emperor Friedrich I. Barbarossa was convinced of the advantages of the Kaiserslautern region when he chose to build his imperial palace in this location in the 12th century. Based on those historical roots, the city has developed into a cosmopolitan cluster of science and technology. K-town is considered a prime location by many national and international companies. The list of enterprises operating out of the Kaiserslautern PRE-Park is extensive and encompasses the automobile and technology industries. These companies, including Accenture and John Deere, are located in an area of over 100,000 square metres, offering companies plenty of room to grow and collaborate. As a centre of innovation, the futuristic PRE UNI-Park, a technology site with modern architecture, constitutes the core of the Science Alliance. This consortium of numerous high-profile science institutions such as the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics, and the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems forms a highly specialised multidisciplinary network that provides innovative solutions based on the latest technologies and newest methods to students, scientists, and partners from industry. The topographic convergence of technology and nature makes the city both a vibrant urban centre and a natural oasis. Blessed with favourable surroundings, getting in touch with nature is particularly easy in Kaiserslautern, where Germany's largest interlinked woodlands are right at your doorstep. The forest of Rhineland-Palatinate is criss-crossed by a network of about 7,500 miles of well-marked hiking trails and is known for its mountain bike park. UNESCO has recognised the exceptional value of the nature reserve and in 1992 designated it one of the 15 German biosphere reserves.

There is no such thing as being a foreigner here - Kaiserslautern is home to people from over 140 nations who contribute to a diverse and vibrant city life. Most of the 100,000 inhabitants speak English, making it easy to quickly feel at ease. The Kaiserslautern region offers superb public transport. Trains run hourly every day, and fast intercity trains at the ICE train station in Kaiserslautern offer quick and comfortable connections to Europe's big cities, airports, and business centres. Kaiserslautern is centrally located within the European Union, between the River Rhine in the east and France in the west. Only two hours by train from both Frankfurt and Stuttgart, Kaiserslautern offers excellent travel connections. The people of Kaiserslautern have a zest for life; they are urban, friendly, and open-minded, and they also appreciate the importance of their regional roots. In the old part of the city, with its variety of restaurants, cafés, and original pubs, you will meet the dyed-in-the-wool "Pfälzer" (natives of Rhineland-Palatinate) who are cosmopolitan while at the same time still proud of their regional specialities. Many visitors from all over the world feel welcome and at home here.

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