The course of study is conducted in German. A technical German course is required for international students during the first two semesters.
15 July for international applicants (only through uni-assist)
See for more information.
31 August for applicants with a German "Abitur" or "Fachhochschulreife"
The degree programme has a strong focus on applied engineering with practical experience.
The goal of the Bachelor of Medical Engineering programme is to transfer knowledge from the fields of science and research into clear, technical concepts. Subjects taught include:
- Cell-Biophysics
- Biomechanics and Biomaterials
- Chemical Sensors and Biosensors
- Cardiovascular Engineering
- Medical Physics
- Medical Informatics
Our modern, well-equipped labs play a major role in ensuring that students are later able to apply their knowledge to their chosen careers. Advanced students plan projects together, work towards a common goal, and then present the results in a written report as well as to the class.
Students can complete their Bachelor's projects in industry or at the nearby Jülich Research Centre ( as well as in the university labs.
Some students choose to continue in a Master's programme, such as our Master of Science in Medical Engineering or another Master's programme offered at our university or another institution.
More details about the programme are available on our website: