Courses are held in English and German. The PhD thesis is usually written in English.
The PhD programme in Computer Science (PCS) at the University of Göttingen is a high-quality PhD education programme offered by the graduate school of the Faculties of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS). The official language of the PCS programme is English (i.e. German is not necessarily required). As the academic degree qualification of the PCS programme, the degree of "Doctor rerum naturalium" (Dr rer nat) or the equivalent PhD degree can be awarded.
The main focus of the PCS programme is the research aspect, i.e. the PhD student works on a current research topic in the area of computer science in one of the computer science research groups of the University of Göttingen. The research group should be chosen based on the student's strengths and preferences, i.e. the research topic that the student is interested in and the research environment provided by the group the student wants to work in.
Research groups:
- Computational Neurosciences
- Computer Graphics and Ecological Informatics
- Computer Networks
- Computer Security
- Databases and Information Systems
- Data Fusion
- Data Science Infrastructures
- Didactics of Informatics
- Digital Humanities
- Distributed Systems
- High-Performance Storage
- Machine Learning
- Medical Informatics
- Neural Data Science
- Practical Informatics
- Scientific Information Analytics
- Software Engineering for Distributed Systems
- Telematics
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Optimal Transport
Work on a scientific topic aims to enable the student to understand complex scientific work of current state-of-the-art topics in computer science, to solve complex problems, to develop his/her own ideas and approaches to advance the chosen research topic and finally to contribute to the work of the research group and the body of knowledge.