International Programmes 2024/2025

German-French Graduate College Statistical Physics of Complex Systems in Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems

Leipzig University • Leipzig

Dr rer nat
Course location
In cooperation with

Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Coventry University, Coventry, England, UK
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine

Teaching language
  • English

Courses are held in English (100%). Also, personal communication is mainly in English, but some personal communication may also be in German.

Full-time / part-time
  • full-time
Mode of study
Programme duration
6 semesters
Only for doctoral programmes: any time
Application deadline

No specific deadlines

Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Combined Master's degree / PhD programme
Joint degree / double degree programme

The statistical physics of complex systems is a very broad field ranging from the study of quantum phenomena to the conformational behaviour of biomolecules which can only be successfully tackled by employing a variety of different theoretical methods. In this respect, this joint graduate college brings together the expertise in analytical theory from Nancy and the long-standing experience in sophisticated computer simulation studies from Leipzig, promising unique prospects in advanced education of PhD students via research into this important field. Additional input in computational aspects and analytical field-theory methods comes from our associated partners at Coventry University, UK, and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv, Ukraine.

The current research topics include disorder effects on phase transitions (diluted ferromagnets, long-range correlated defects, spin glasses, random graphs and networks), long-range interacting systems, topological excitations, conformational statistics of macromolecules such as polymers and proteins (folding, aggregation, adsorption, confinement effects), active polymeric systems, non-equilibrium relaxation (coarsening and ageing), ice and water models, and quantum phase transitions. The emphasis of the school is on fostering close collaboration between the PhD students in Leipzig and Nancy. To this end, extended visits by the students of the two partner universities, a joint seminar programme taking place reciprocally in Leipzig and Nancy, joint supervision by scientists in Leipzig and Nancy and a final degree from both universities ("co-tutelle de thèse") are an integral part of the graduate college. In addition, visits of and "co-tutelle de thèses" with the associated Coventry University in England and the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv are possible.

Binational grants, an EU Marie Curie International Network, and participation in an EU COST action provide an additional excellent background for further collaborations with internationally renowned scientists in, e.g., Armenia, Australia, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Turkey, USA. and many other countries. Additional binational support is made possible by the CNRS in France and the DAAD and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.

Course organisation

The research training consists of research work and a well-structured training programme carried out by the doctoral students under supervision. The training is individual, flexible in time and problem-oriented. Besides the research work, the training activities include workshops and conferences, scientific symposia and colloquia, literature seminars, summer/winter schools, tutoring, and transferable skills courses offered by the Research Academy Leipzig. The Department of Physics and Earth Sciences in Leipzig offers an International Physics Study Programme (IPSP) for Bachelor's and Master's students. Some of the advanced Master's courses may be also useful for the PhD students. All students are expected to spend an extended research stay at the respective partner university, i.e., Université de Lorraine, Nancy, for those primarily based in Leipzig. In addition, visits to the associated Coventry University in England and the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv are possible. In return, students based in Nancy will spend several months in Leipzig, Coventry or Lviv. Moreover, the training programme profits from the involvement of international partners.

A Diploma supplement will be issued
International elements
  • International guest lecturers
  • Projects with partners in Germany and abroad
Description of other international elements

All students are expected to spend an extended research stay (from two weeks to several months) at the respective partner university, i.e. at Nancy University for those primarily based in Leipzig. In return, students based in Nancy will spend several weeks or months in Leipzig. Per month, a flat rate of 600 EUR will be reimbursed.

In the current funding period, visits to the associated Coventry University in England and the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv are also possible. All research stays will be planned individually.

Special promotion / funding of the programme
  • Franco-German University (FGU)
Course-specific, integrated German language courses
Course-specific, integrated English language courses
Pace of course
Instructor-led (Specific due dates for lectures/assignments/exams)
Phase(s) of attendance in Germany (applies to the entire programme)
Yes, voluntary
Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Semester contribution

Currently, students have to pay an approx. 195 EUR enrolment fee per semester. This fee includes the Student Services, the Student Council, a semester ticket and the mobility fund.

Costs of living

Approx. 750-800 EUR per month to cover personal expenses

Funding opportunities within the university
Description of the above-mentioned funding opportunities within the university

600 EUR per month will be reimbursed for the extended research stay (from two weeks to several months) at the respective partner university.

Academic admission requirements

Typically, a Master's or "Diplom" degree in natural sciences

Language requirements

Knowledge of English

Application deadline

No specific deadlines

Submit application to

Prof Dr Wolfhard Janke
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Leipzig
IPF 231101
04081 Leipzig

Possibility of finding part-time employment

See offers in the student job market organised by the "Studentenwerk Leipzig".


Student halls of residence run by the "Studentenwerk Leipzig", shared apartments, accommodation services and estate agencies.

Structured research and supervision
Research training / discussion
Career advisory service

Provided by the Research Academy Leipzig

Support for international students and doctoral candidates
  • Welcome event
General services and support for international students and doctoral candidates

A central orientation week for foreign students organised by the International Centre of the university. Arrival support for doctoral students is possible upon request.

Supervisor-student ratio
As for most PhD programmes, close to 1:2 or even 1:1

Leipzig University

University location

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