01 Introductory Phase / Preliminary Laboratory
Three weeks [ECTS Part of 02 Laboratory]
The preliminary laboratory (three weeks) provides access to the programme. This involves a general introduction to the various positions in design research and the working practices and methods of scientific work. Selected examples of design research will be analysed and reflected on in seminars.
02 Design Research Laboratory
12 weeks [10 ECTS]
The laboratory is made up of three thematic building blocks: design as research, design as education, and design as projection. In lectures, seminars, and exercises, these diverse modes of design knowledge production will be systematically analysed both historically and theoretically and argued in presentations based on selected examples.
03 Proposal
Six weeks [5 ECTS]
Following on 02 Laboratory, the insights, methods and skills acquired in the first semester will be applied in a self-chosen thematic project. The proposal serves as a test phase for an independent, original design research argumentation.
04 Lecture Series & Seminar: Theories and Methods of Scientific Work
Weekly [5 ECTS]
The lecture series offers an overview of the history of modern design research and presents discourses, projects, and concepts in the field.
The seminar will reflect on different approaches to the development of theories in, e.g. the natural sciences, the humanities, and design. The seminar also includes an introduction to various methods of scientific work, e.g. literature research, archive study techniques, data analysis, interview techniques, qualitative methods, e.g. participatory observation or material studies and aims to enable students to take a reflexive approach to these methods.
05 COOP Module
[5 ECTS]
The COOP module comprises intensive sessions in which partner universities present their research areas and introduce participants to the issues arising from these contexts. The COOP module broadens the thematic spectrum and enlarges the teaching content of the lectures and modules.
06 Master Talk / Research Colloquium
[5+5 ECTS]
The Master Talks offer a platform for international exchange on approaches to design research. Guest scientists and designers present their research approaches and hypotheses for discussion. In accompanying or separately organised research colloquia, the programme's participants, in association with the guests, can deepen their understanding of issues arising from the contexts of the respective themes.
07 Master's Thesis and Colloquium
[20+5 ECTS]
The Master's thesis follows up on the proposal. Students develop and elaborate their research argumentation into a full thesis under the supervision of their mentors within 20 weeks.
Upon completion, the Master's thesis will be presented in a public colloquium.