International Programmes 2023/2024

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

University of Siegen • Siegen

Master of Science
Teaching language
  • English

All courses are taught in English. Additionally, several elective courses are available in German. 

German language courses are available at the language centre at University of Siegen. A German language certificate is not necessary.

Full-time / part-time
  • full-time
Programme duration
4 semesters
Winter and summer semester
Application deadline

Application start: 1 May, deadline: 1 June for winter semester

Application start: 1 November, deadline: 15 January for summer semester

Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Combined Master's degree / PhD programme
Joint degree / double degree programme

The University of Siegen offers a Master’s programme in Human-Computer Interaction with a duration of four semesters.

In the field of interactive technologies, specific methods and approaches are necessary in order to design IT artefacts for use in areas of human practice, mainly for mobile and ubiquitous applications. These encompass interface design, user-centred design, usability engineering, qualitative empirical methods, and the integration of organisational and technology development processes, all of which constitute the core elements of the HCI Master's programme. The research-focused programme curriculum includes mandatory lectures, research seminars, three practical projects, a voluntary internship, and a Master’s thesis.

Anyone looking for successful socio-technical systems (i.e. humans and machines) will discover that good, long-term interactive design geared to humans is essential. The key to the hands-on HCI Master's programme in Siegen is to provide students with a solid, broad grounding in methods and techniques. This is the basis for well-founded conception, design, and implementation as well as for testing IT systems for humans.

Classic usability often centres on (quantitative) lab studies. In Siegen, we are convinced this is simply not enough because it reduces human involvement to a minimum. This is the reason why our work is particularly embedded in the qualitative ethnographic field, i.e. directly in user practice. One main focus is on the involvement of users when designing systems. We refer to this as Grounded Design.

In Siegen, research and teaching go hand in hand. The research is embedded in projects in the departments of Business Information Systems and New Media, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, IT for the Ageing Society, Cyber-Physical Systems, Experience & Interaction, and IT Security & Consumer Informatics. Students often work directly on research projects that are commonly conducted in partnership with industry. Not only does this signify high research relevance and the possibility of genuine scientific work but it also provides a very close link to practice.

We have international teaching and research partnerships all over the world. For an overview of exchange opportunities, see:

Our alumni typically work in research, UX or UI design, consulting, development, management, and other areas.

Course organisation

The course of study includes the following: the Basics of HCI (18 ECTS), one of two modules from Consolidation (9 ECTS), three practical projects (27 ECTS), three modules from Current Research of HCI (18 ECTS), and two modules (with 9 ECTS each) or three modules (with 6 ECTS each) from Interdisciplinary Contexts (18 ECTS). The taught part of the programme will be followed by the Master's thesis (30 ECTS).

Basics of HCI (18 ECTS):

  • Humans & Technology (9 ECTS): Human-Computer Interaction / Analysis & Evaluation
  • Design & Psychology (9 ECTS): User Experience Design / Psychology

Consolidation (9 ECTS), one of two modules has to be selected:

  • Ubiquitous Computing & Usable Security (9 ECTS)
  • Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (9 ECTS)

Practice (27 ECTS):

  • Project A (9 ECTS, regularly changing projects)
  • Project B (9 ECTS, regularly changing projects)
  • Project C (9 ECTS, regularly changing projects)

Current Research in HCI (18 ECTS):

  • Current Research in HCI I (6 ECTS): two seminars from a pool of regularly changing offers
  • Current Research in HCI II (6 ECTS): two seminars from a pool of regularly changing offers
  • Current Research in HCI III (6 ECTS): two seminars from a pool of regularly changing offers
  • HCI Internship (6 ECTS) can be taken instead of Current Research in HCI III

Interdisciplinary Contexts (18 ECTS), either two modules with 9 ECTS each or three modules with 6 ECTS each have to be selected.

Find a current overview of elective modules here:

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Integrated internships

Six weeks of internship in a national company or at a foreign research institute (voluntary)

Course-specific, integrated German language courses
Course-specific, integrated English language courses
Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Semester contribution

Students have to pay a semester contribution of approximately 330 EUR, which is due before the start of each semester, as part of (re-)registration. This fee covers the cost of a public transport ticket (valid for six months in the entire state of North Rhine-Westphalia), a social services contribution and student activities.

Costs of living

The city of Siegen has very moderate costs for accommodation, offering attractive living conditions for students. Living expenses range from only 800 EUR to 950 EUR per month, including rent, health insurance, food, clothing, learning materials, phone/Internet, travel expenses, entertainment, and sports. This estimated cost of living can vary depending on lifestyle, type of accommodation, budget, and spending habits.

It is important that students plan and manage their finances throughout the duration of the degree programme to ensure they have enough funds to cover semester contributions and living costs.

Funding opportunities within the university
Description of the above-mentioned funding opportunities within the university

Students at the University of Siegen can apply for the “Deutschlandstipendium / Studienförderfonds”, which can cover part of the students' cost of living. Scholarships for doctoral students are available at the House of Young Talents of the University of Siegen.

Academic admission requirements

To apply for the HCI Master's programme, you need to have an appropriate first degree (BA or BSc) covering at least six semesters of study in Business Information Systems, Computer Science, Business Administration, Design, Psychology or Sociology, or a comparable programme.

If you have completed a different study programme, you must be able to provide proof of prior knowledge in these areas. This knowledge has to be proved by academic test results (transcript of records) with at least 60 ECTS credit points from the above-mentioned subject areas.

Furthermore, you must have completed your undergraduate studies with a cumulative grade point average of minimum 2.5 or higher using the German GPA scale (please refer to To convert your national grade into a grade compatible with the German grading system, please use the Bavarian Formula. Please note that 1 equals the highest grade and 4 equals the lowest grade in the German grading system.

Language requirements

The following certificates are recognised for applicants who have not acquired their study qualification at an exclusively English-speaking institution (i.e. not an English-speaking degree programme) or learned English as their mother tongue:

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a foreign language) iBT (Internet-based test) with a score of at least 94 points
  • IELTS test with a score of at least 6.5
  • Cambridge B2 First, Grade B (173+ points)
  • PTE Academic with a minimum score of 58 points
  • A certificate attesting that English language skills are at level B2 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (CEFR)

For more information, see

Application deadline

Application start: 1 May, deadline: 1 June for winter semester

Application start: 1 November, deadline: 15 January for summer semester

Submit application to

Possibility of finding part-time employment

Students can easily find part-time jobs with the help of the job placement service of the university. Siegen and the surrounding area are home to a large number of medium-sized industrial enterprises (SMEs), or so-called hidden champions in electrical and mechanical engineering. Some bigger examples include the companies SMS and Achenbach Buschhütten. A lot of smaller, yet very successful and quickly growing high-tech companies are located here as well, for instance, PMD Technologies and Asentics, which are spin-off companies of the university. As a result, employment opportunities are very good, especially for jobs during the semester breaks and after graduation.


There are student residences (dormitories) of the Studierendenwerk (student services) close to the university. The rent for a room is between 250 and 450 EUR. Please be aware that German universities do not usually have campus systems like universities in some other countries where all students can find accommodation directly on the university property. Therefore, some students might have to find rooms on their own. The private accommodation costs per room are 400 EUR on average. Detailed information concerning general accommodation can be found here.

Early application/search is advisable.

Career advisory service

The career services team helps with all questions regarding career entry and career planning. It offers information on occupational fields, helps with the career-related structuring of studies and provides direct support with individual coaching and consulting services when it comes to finding a good career start after graduation.

Furthermore, the programme SieguVer specifically supports international students in preparing for the regional job market. Additionally, the offers of the Alumniverbund provide a good opportunity to network and to benefit from the experiences of former students.

Support for international students and doctoral candidates
  • Welcome event
  • Buddy programme
  • Tutors

University of Siegen

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