Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences (MPI-NAT), Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS), German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), German Primate Center (DPZ), Göttingen computing and IT competence centre (GWDG)
Please see the details on our website.
The IMPRS for Genome Science programme aims to combine state-of-the-art techniques in experimental sciences and computational life sciences.
Over the last decade, the molecular life sciences have undergone a major development. Currently, the analysis of individual genes, RNAs, proteins, and metabolites is often complemented by an analysis of cellular systems in their entirety. However, this development also poses a major challenge, namely the challenge of closing the cycle of experiment, data analysis, and the generation of testable hypotheses. To tackle this challenge, a new generation of genome scientists is trained. These scientists will be specialists in an experimental or a theoretical discipline but also understand enough of the other disciplines to speak a common language and engage in fruitful exchange and collaboration.
The IMPRS for Genome Science is training researchers in functional genomics, quantitative proteomics, bioimaging, computational biology, and bioinformatics.