There are many ways of earning money while you study, for example as waiting staff, academic assistants, or private tutors. Knowledge of German will improve your chances of finding a part-time job, but it isn’t necessarily required. However, it is important to be aware of the legal regulations.
The student support service at the university, called studierendenWERK Berlin, and the local representative of the "Bundesagentur für Arbeit" (Federal Employment Agency) can provide information about jobs for students. When searching for a job, look at online job boards, ads in local newspapers, and notice boards on campus.
You have the option to stay in a public/private student dormitory or in a private (shared) apartment. Student dormitories are not administrated by the university itself, so Freie Universität Berlin does not have any on-campus housing. However, it works together with "studierendenWERK Berlin" regarding student accommodation.
If you do not wish to stay in a student dormitory, you can try to find a room or an apartment on the private housing market. Many students in Berlin live in shared apartments ("WGs"). You can find these offers online (e.g. WG-gesucht or Kleinanzeigen) or on notice boards on campus.
Available rooms/apartments near the university are rare. Therefore, students mostly commute from other parts of the city. The commute via public transportation usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour, which is considered a normal travel time in Berlin due to the city's size.
The Career Service of Freie Universität Berlin aims to support international students at Freie Universität by providing information, advice, and events related to career planning, internships, and job applications.
The International Student Support team at FU Berlin regularly offers information events that include Q&A sessions. While personal office hours are not available due to our team size, students can contact Info-Service Study for general inquiries, or seek assistance from the General Academic Advisory Service or Psychological Counselling for more complex concerns. Additionally, the team continually enhances its expertise in international affairs, thereby contributing to FU Berlin's internationalisation process.