International Programmes 2024/2025

International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML) IMPRS for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML)

Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry • Planegg

Doctoral degree in Biology, Biochemistry or Biophysics
Doctoral degree or degree awarded by
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Technische Universität München
In cooperation with

Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Technische Universität München

Teaching language
  • English

The language of instruction is English. All courses, lectures, and workshops are held in English. Participants are required to write and defend their doctoral thesis in English.

Programme duration
8 semesters
Winter semester
Application deadline

Our online application platform will open on 1 September 2024. The closing date for applications is 13 October 2024.

More information about the timeline of the application process can be found on our website.

Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Combined Master's degree / PhD programme
Joint degree / double degree programme

IMPRS-ML – A Structured PhD Programme for Future Leaders in Science
The International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML) is a centre of excellence for the training of doctoral researchers in the areas of biochemistry, structural biology, biophysics, cell biology, systems biology, and computational biology.

IMPRS-ML PhD Research Topics
Research activities at IMPRS-ML centre around three distinct but well-connected research branches to investigate the structure, function, and dynamics of biomolecules and to ask how these molecules interact in biological systems to generate appropriate responses to environmental cues. Innovation drivers include the development of advanced technologies and the full integration of complex computational approaches to answer relevant biological questions.

To learn more about the research activities of our individual faculty members, please check out the research groups at IMPRS-ML. 

IMPRS-ML Curriculum
IMPRS-ML provides high-level scientific training in a superb and vibrant research environment with state-of-the-art facilities for students striving for a successful career in science. Additionally, we offer a comprehensive curriculum, thus ensuring that our students have access to a wide range of relevant learning and training opportunities.

The majority of curricular activities are chosen by the student themselves, allowing them to tailor their learning in a way that best suits their needs and interests. Students are required to earn 25 ECTS credits during their doctoral studies, which can be accumulated by participating in a variety of different activities as outlined below. We believe our flexible approach maximises our students’ opportunities to further their learning.

The IMPRS-ML curriculum has five main components:

  • Interdisciplinary lecture series
  • IMPRS seminar symposium
  • Advanced methods and specialised training
  • Transferable skills and career development
  • Other curricular activities including an IMPRS-ML retreat

In addition to the curricular activities organised by IMPRS-ML, our students can participate in numerous advanced courses, lectures and workshops offered by our university partners. Moreover, students are encouraged to participate in external training activities including EMBO workshops, advanced summer schools and Marie Curie Training Courses, which offer excellent opportunities for training, networking and scientific exchange. A generous travel allowance is available to fund external training activities and conference attendance.

Through our curriculum, we ensure that our students have access to the most relevant and up-to-date training and are exposed to cutting-edge research taking place within the institute. Networking is an important feature of our curriculum, and we encourage our students to get to know each other at the events we organise.

Course organisation

Orientation Days
All incoming students participate in our annual Orientation Days in October. The programme includes visits of the facilities and workshops as well as excursions, and it offers the perfect platform to connect with peers.

Interdisciplinary Lecture Series
During the summer and winter semesters, the school’s faculty members give weekly lectures, providing our students with a broad and interdisciplinary understanding of research topics, key technologies and methods used by the research groups. A “get-together” after the lecture allows the participants to discuss the content in depth and socialise.

IMPRS Seminar Symposium
Twice a year, the entire school comes together for the IMPRS Seminar Symposium, which gives our students a platform to present their research findings to fellow students. Poster and talk sessions allow students to practice their presentation skills in a professional yet friendly environment while familiarising themselves with the projects and research approaches of their peers.

Advanced Methods and Specialised Training
IMPRS-ML organises dedicated workshops offering students the opportunity to familiarise themselves with specific advanced methods and techniques that are not routinely used in their laboratories.

Transferable Skills and Career Development
IMPRS-ML offers an extensive training portfolio in transferable skills covering topics including scientific writing, communication and presentation skills, project management, statistical analysis, leadership skills, and many others. This allows our students to acquire transferable skills that are not routinely communicated in a laboratory environment, thereby making them more competitive on the global job market in general and for leadership positions in particular.

Other Curricular Activities

  • Annual IMPRS-ML retreat
  • Participation in scientific conferences
  • Training in good research practice and ethics
  • Advanced lectures at the universities in Munich
  • Institutional seminar series and Planck Academy
  • PhD student-led symposia "Interact" and "InPharma"
  • Training in software application skills and programming
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Certificates for specific modules are awarded
International elements
  • International guest lecturers
  • Specialist literature in other languages
  • Language training provided
  • Projects with partners in Germany and abroad
  • Training in intercultural skills
  • Opportunities for students to work abroad
Diverse intercultural background of students
The diversity of our PhD programme, both in terms of people and research, is vital to our success as a leading research school: approx. 50% of our doctoral researchers are from Germany, while the remaining 50% represent a diverse international cohort, spanning over 40 countries worldwide.
Teaching/work obligations or opportunities

PhD students have the opportunity to gain teaching experience by assisting in laboratory courses for biology and biochemistry students at the Bachelor's or Master's level.

Special promotion / funding of the programme
Course-specific, integrated German language courses
Course-specific, integrated English language courses
Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Semester contribution

Approx. 150 EUR per semester

Costs of living

Approx. 1,200 EUR to 1,500 EUR per month to cover living expenses

Funding opportunities within the university
Description of the above-mentioned funding opportunities within the university

All students accepted into the programme receive funding to cover tuition and living expenses for the duration of their doctoral studies. Fellowships range from 1,600 EUR to 2,100 EUR after deductions, depending on experience and the source of funding. All students are covered by a health insurance plan at no additional expense.

Academic admission requirements

Applicants should hold an MSc (or an equivalent degree) in biological sciences, biochemistry, biophysics, biotechnology, or a related discipline. 

Applicants with a European four-year BSc Hons degree (or equivalent degree with 240 ECTS credits) can also be accepted under certain circumstances. Applicants with a four-year BSc Hons degree are encouraged to contact the IMPRS-ML Coordination Office in order to verify eligibility before submitting an application.

Language requirements

Non-native English speakers must provide proof of appropriate English skills. TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent tests are accepted. If the applicant's previous academic education was conducted in English, the requirement to provide an English proficiency test can be waived.

Application deadline

Our online application platform will open on 1 September 2024. The closing date for applications is 13 October 2024.

More information about the timeline of the application process can be found on our website.

Submit application to

Applications can be submitted through the IMPRS-ML online application portal. For more details, please visit our website.


Initial accommodation in the guest house of the Max Planck Institute is possible (for up to three months). The IMPRS-ML Coordination Office and the International Office will assist students while they are searching for (private) accommodations.

Structured research and supervision
Research training / discussion
Career advisory service

The curriculum covers a wide range of transferable skills and includes multi-step career mentoring, specifically aimed at preparing our doctoral researchers for the challenges of a professional career in the global market, in academia, industry, and beyond. Our university partners' career services also offer a comprehensive portfolio including dedicated career courses and mentoring programmes.

Support for international students and doctoral candidates
  • Accompanying programme
  • Cultural and linguistic preparation
  • Visa matters
  • Welcome event
  • Help with finding accommodation
  • Support with registration procedures

Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

Content Bild
Max Planck Institutes in Martinsried © MPI für Biochemie, Susanne Vondenbusch

The IMPRS-ML is operated by the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB) and works in close collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence (MPI-BI), the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Technische Universität München (TUM). Our doctoral researchers are either based at the MPIB or they conduct their research at one of our partner universities. IMPRS-ML is proud to be working with the LMU and TUM, which consistently rank amongst the best universities in Germany.

The MPIB is one of the largest institutes of the Max Planck Society, and it employs around 750 staff members from all around the world. Approximately 350 researchers in 20 research groups focus on studying the structure of proteins – in single molecules as well as in complex organisms. The MPIB is a leading international institute in the field of protein research.

Scientists within the neighbouring MPI-BI are devoted to basic research on topics in behavioural ecology, evolutionary research and neuroscience. Around 500 employees from more than 50 nations study how animal organisms acquire, store, apply and pass on knowledge about their environment in order to find ever-new solutions to problems and adapt to a constantly changing environment.

Both the LMU and TUM are amongst the largest universities in Germany and are recognised as belonging to Europe’s top academic institutions, both in terms of teaching and research. In recognition of this, both universities are recipients of funding from the “Excellence Initiative”, an initiative led by the German government to further the achievements of already outstanding German universities. Within the LMU, IMPRS-ML cooperates primarily with the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy including the affiliated Gene Center, and the Faculty of Medicine. Within the TUM, the main cooperation partners of the IMPRS-ML are the TUM School of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine.


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