The internationally renowned Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) is located in Germany's capital city at the heart of Europe. The academic activities focus on achieving sharply defined goals: building a distinctive profile for our university, ensuring exceptional performance in research and teaching, providing our graduates with excellent qualifications, and a modern approach to university administration. The TUB strives to promote the dissemination of knowledge and to facilitate technological progress through adherence to the core principles of excellence and quality. Strong regional, national, and international networking with partners in science and industry are an important aspect in these endeavours.
TUB is an internationally renowned, research-intensive university dedicated to promoting science and technology for the benefit of broader society and committed to the principle of sustainability. The challenges and problems facing modern societies cannot be met on the basis of findings from individual disciplines. TUB is addressing these challenges with the aid of transdisciplinary collaborative projects. The establishment of important research partnerships in the context of the Excellence Initiative, the German Research Foundation (DFG), and the European Institute for Innovation and Technology, in addition to constantly increasing third-party funding for research projects, demonstrate the dynamic developments in this area. Prestigious science prizes and awards make these successes even more obvious. These include Alexander von Humboldt Chairs, Einstein Chairs, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prizes, and numerous grants from the European Research Council. "Research for Innovation" is a credo that TUB impressively implements. Its extraordinary profile as a technical university in association with its humanities, social sciences, planning, and economics programmes is indeed an excellent breeding ground for strong interdisciplinarity. By combining basic and applied research endeavours, and with close links to partners in science and industry, university researchers tackle societal issues and develop forward-looking solutions.
In close cooperation with EUREF AG, a new TUB campus has emerged on the property of the former Gasometer in Berlin's Schöneberg district and was inaugurated in October 2012. Four advanced Master's programmes dealing with the issue of "City and Energy" are offered here. These course offerings are fully integrated into the overall structure of the European Energy Forum (EUREF). Companies and research institutes addressing the topic of "an intelligent city for work, research, education, and living" are finding homes here. Through close cooperation between science and teaching on the one hand, and research and practical applications on the other, the EUREF campus serves as a powerful test platform for a sustainable model city.