Courses are held in English (100%), and some courses can be taken in German. It is possible to study completely in English.
The Master's programme in Computer Science International is research oriented. It qualifies students for occupational fields related to computer science in industry, academia, and public service. Graduates acquire skills and competencies that enable them to understand, evaluate, and systematically solve problems in computer science based on solid theoretical grounds and engineering methods. They are able to individually familiarise themselves with specific questions and tasks of their discipline and to contribute to the further development of their field.
The programme offers two core topics:
- Information Systems
- Complex Systems
The core topic of Information Systems focusses on the design of software, algorithms, and data structures for information systems, techniques for the efficient analysis of large amounts of data as well as related topics. It comprises issues from the area of data bases such as managing, retrieving, and analysing large amounts of data and modern approaches to big data and data mining that combine and jointly analyse complex models with large data sets. Another focus is the traceability of processes and results and on protection of privacy. This core topic also includes topics from the realm of software engineering such as requirements engineering, human-computer interaction and software development processes, as well as the basics of machine learning (or, more generally, artificial intelligence), interactive visual analysis, and the development and use of simulation models.
The core topic of Complex Systems deals with architectures, models, methods, algorithms, and tools for IT systems that, due to their size and complexity, require systematic approaches for their design, implementation, and operation. The topic also touches surrounding fields. Complexity of studied systems results from the distribution and the large number of interacting components, their heterogeneous nature, and the multitude of mutual dependencies. This core topic includes lectures from the areas of modelling, simulation, and systems analysis for the design, evaluation, and verification of complex systems and the determination of core properties of such systems (e.g. correctness). Finally, this core topic covers methods for asserting performance, safety, and reliability of complex systems. To this end, methods of self-organisation, fault tolerance, safety, cryptography, distributed algorithms, middleware, and World Wide Web technology are included.
Students choose one of the core topics as their major topic and the other one as their minor topic. They study 30 ECTS in their major topic and 12 ECTS in their minor topic. In addition, they may choose modules that are worth 12 ECTS from the remaining modules of both core topics or from other modules offered in the department. In a topical seminar, the major topic is comprehensively concluded. The programme includes a project that is worth 12 ECTS.
Computer science courses (78 credits, excluding thesis), non-technical option (12 credits), Master's thesis (30 credits)