Applications must be submitted by 15 July for the upcoming winter semester and by 15 January for the upcoming summer semester.
The Master of Science in Meteorology programme is aimed at deepening knowledge in atmospheric physics and the application of its methods. A wide choice of elective courses is offered specialising in research topics of the Meteorological Institute Munich and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich. The Master's programme can be structured along two focus areas offered: "Weather Predictability and Data Assimilation" and "Radiation, Atmosphere and Climate". Two mandatory courses for all students will provide the necessary foundation in the first semester. Elective courses either help you to strengthen your study focus on one of the areas or allow you to gain a wide overview. While the first area focuses on the application of theoretical hydrodynamics to improving weather forecasts, the second one relates to radiation in the atmosphere and its microscale interactions with large scale motion and future climate.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) is a worldwide highly ranked university, one of the leading universities in Germany, and part of the German Universities Excellence Initiative. It looks back on a history of over 550 years. Several Nobel laureates, Leibniz prize winners, ERC grand holders and Humboldt professorships have been affiliated with LMU Faculty of Physics. Students of the Meteorology Master’s programme get the possibility to learn and work closely with worldwide recognised researchers with a strong international network and do state-of-the-art research.
LMU forms an integral part of the exceptionally broad-based network of research institutions, universities, foundations, and corporations based in Munich. The city's other research institutions, including the Technische Universität München, the Max Planck Society and the Fraunhofer Society, as well as global enterprises and a vibrant start-up scene are closely intertwined with LMU.
All this builds the framework for an outstanding education in meteorology and prepares the graduates of the Meteorology Master’s programme at LMU for international careers.