Courses are held in English (100%).
As a quantum technology engineer, you will be a specialist in a wide range of applications that demand unprecedented levels of precision and performance. Are you ready to initiate and support technological revolutions in society and industry? Enrol in our English-language Master’s programme in Quantum Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering and shape the future!
As for the content of the programme, you can expect a significant orientation towards electrical engineering and information technology with a simultaneous focus on various fields in forward-looking quantum technologies. Key components of the new degree programme include elements drawn from physics, computer science and mathematics. Since TU Braunschweig cooperates closely with Leibniz University Hannover for this programme, students will have the chance to complete additional modules at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Leibniz University Hannover.
Local advantages and international name recognition
With this degree, you will be globally sought after. You will be studying under an excellent teaching staff at one of Germany’s top nine universities of technology (TU9). Thanks to the large number of major research institutions here, Braunschweig and its surrounding area are “Europe’s most research-intensive region by far” (Eurostat). Our closest collaborations are with the following partners:
National Metrology Institute (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, PTB)
German Aerospace Centre (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR)
Various Fraunhofer Institutes.
In addition, we maintain close ties with many companies in the region, Germany and around the world.
Quantum Valley Lower Saxony: A booster for studies and research
As a student in the Quantum Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering (QTEC) Master’s programme, you will benefit from the strength of the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony network. It was founded by the German Ministry for Research and Culture and the Volkswagen Foundation in cooperation with leading research institutions and companies to pool expertise in quantum technologies for enhanced visibility both locally and internationally.