All students start in October their first URC semester in Augsburg/Germany (Humanities), then continue in the second semester in Santiago de Compostela/Spain (Geography), and in the third semester in Coimbra/Portugal (Sociology), which is their Urban Cultural Studies.
For the last semester there are several options, where students can decide whether they want to accomplish their Master’s thesis with placement in Augsburg, Santiago de Compostela, or Coimbra (tracks one through three); or combine their thesis with a Latin American study activity in Buenos Aires or São Paulo between the third and fourth semesters (tracks four through nine).
Projects with partners in Europe and Latin America, international co-teaching, translocal transfer
Three European semesters in three historic UNESCO cities (Augsburg–Santiago de Compostela–Coimbra) with optional Latin American study activity in Buenos Aires or São Paulo
There is an optional practical module for internships in the fourth semester (depending on track choice).