The research-oriented Master's programme in "Quantum Engineering" comprises a total of 120 CP. 15 of these CP are allotted to a laboratory project, which will familiarise students with a scientific topic, and 30 CP will go towards the final Master's thesis. The duration of the Master's thesis, which includes the Master's colloquium, is six months. The required study modules are divided into the categories: "core area quantum physics", "core area systems engineering", "subject-specific compulsory choice", "subject-specific seminars, lab work and project seminars", "general elective courses", "laboratory project" and "Master's thesis".
In the Master's programme, knowledge is specifically expanded through in-depth courses in quantum physics and systems engineering, where first individual options are already available. The individual professional orientation takes place via a selection of further subject-specific elective subjects as well as laboratory work and/ or (team) projects from common catalogues in physics and systems engineering.
Depending on individual inclination, general elective courses allow further specialisation or the development of interdisciplinary scientific competences. In addition to courses from a wide range of subjects, it is possible to work as a tutor at the university as well as have an internship in the industry or a research facility.
The laboratory project leading up to the Master's thesis and the Master's thesis itself, convey the ability for independent scientific research. Through the intensive involvement in a research group in this phase of the programme, the students also acquire teamwork and communication skills.
After four semesters of regular study time, the Quantum Engineering Master's programme is completed with the degree Master of Science (MSc).
Professors cooperate with many international partners via the "University of the greater Region UGR" and the "Transform4Europe T4E" network as well as personal research collaborations. Topics for Master's theses, in particular, are often offered in these contexts.
The programme contains an optional internship (up to 9 CP) within the industry. This can be done with international companies or local companies that work internationally.