M = Module
First Semester
M 1 - Media and Development
Students learn about the content and methods of the Master's programme and acquire knowledge about the connection between media science, media systems, cooperative development and about the theoretical connection between the disciplines.
M 2 - Media, Education and Communication
Students conclude the module with a basic, scientific understanding of education, educational science, media didactics, and the applied educational research.
M 3 - Media, Politics and Society I
Students learn about the importance of the media in communicating political messages, as well as its specific institutional organisation for the functionality of democracy.
M 4 - Journalism
Students learn how to use the journalistic formats for news, interviews, features, commentaries, and moderation.
M 5 - Media Economics
Students gain a better understanding about the work flow within a media enterprise and how it functions economically.
Second Semester
M 6 - (Digital) Media Practice I
Students receive advanced, practical media training while gaining skills in video, audio, multimedia, and print.
M 7 - Media, Politics and Society II
Students learn about the interdependencies between media and media governance structures. They can evaluate concentration tendencies of media companies in different countries and its influence in political systems.
M 8 - Media and Communication Science
Students learn how to think conceptually and theoretically, while becoming familiar with the basic, media-related theoretical approaches and models for understanding media communication.
M 9 - Media Management
This module introduces specific competencies in the areas of accounting, personnel management and marketing/public relations.
M 10 - Elective I/Media Practice II
Students can choose to advance their practical skills in media production or to expand their theoretical knowledge in applied media studies, including topics such as Environmental Communication or NGO Management.
Third Semester
M 11 - Elective II/Media Practice III
See M 10
M 12 - Management Techniques
Students learn how to perform the strategic and operative tasks that a manager deals with in the communications sector. They receive further theoretical, empirical, and practical knowledge that forms the basis for editorial management.
M 13 - Digital Project Work
Students are presented with a comprehensive task in at least one category of media. They develop this task professionally and complete it for publication.
M 14 - Empirical Methods II
Students acquire advanced knowledge of descriptive and inductive statistics. They will possess extensive knowledge of statistical analysis processes and deepen their comprehension of methods of empirical social research through practical application.
M 15 - Applied Research Projects
Students learn about the different phases and parts of a research process. They have the possibility to develop their research topic. During class discussions, the students sharpen their ideas and theoretical argumentations and find ideal methods according to their subject.
Fourth Semester
M 16 - Master's thesis and Colloquium
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