International Programmes 2024/2025

Master's in International Media Cultural Work (IMC) Master's in International Media Cultural Work (IMC)

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences • Dieburg

Master of Arts in International Media Cultural Work
Course location
Teaching language
  • English

Courses are in English only.

Participants can choose to write the Master's thesis in English or German.

Full-time / part-time
  • full-time
Programme duration
3 semesters, 4 semesters
Winter and summer semester
Application deadline

For international applicants who need to submit their application via uni-assist, the deadlines are as follows:
1 June – for the following winter semester
1 December – for the following summer semester
It is highly recommended to submit the applications earlier in order to avoid last-minute pressure and delays.
For more information, see:
Uni-assist is an institution that checks whether individual candidates' formal qualifications are equivalent to the German standards required in order to apply to the requested programmes.

The deadlines for German degree holders are as follows: 
1 September – for the following winter semester
1 March – for the following summer semester

Important for all applicants:
Admission requirements:
Frequently asked questions:

Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Combined Master's degree / PhD programme
Joint degree / double degree programme

Expertise and Excellence in International and Intercultural Leadership

Curating – Communicating – Managing: These three terms span the huge field of digital media culture and its technologies. The Master's programme in International Media Cultural Work will qualify its students as superbly imaginative leaders and strategically outstanding executives who will take on pivotal roles by directing the process of digital transformation.

During the three- or four-semester programme, students will focus on media aesthetic education and cultural communication combined with technological and managerial skills to develop expertise in opening up digital media and its technologies to a broader public. They will be trained to inspire society to have a deeper and more critical understanding of the aesthetic implications of digital technologies as well as their social and ethical-philosophical dimensions.

The courses are practice-based, in close collaboration with museums, galleries, concert halls, and cultural and art foundations as well as media art institutions and festivals. The ultimate goal of the International Media Cultural Work programme is to encourage society to use digital media for skilful and original self-expression as well as for creative and emancipatory practices.

The perspective of the programme is international and intercultural. The programme is conducted in English. Anticipating future technological, cultural, and social developments, students will gain knowledge of work in transdisciplinary, transcultural, collaborative, and experimental environments.
During their studies, the students can develop their competencies either on curatorial and or on management-based proficiencies. Additionally, they can develop further their competencies in media art and design production, based on their already pre-existing production skills which they bring in.

One of our major foci – both practically and theoretically – is immersive media (3D audio and Fulldome cinema), which will be taught in practice with state-of-the-art devices that are a unique feature of the International Media Cultural Work Master's programme (IMC). At the same time, the practices of immersive media are reflected and embedded in the actual scientific and scholarly discourses, publications, and symposia, the latter often organised and curated by the programme itself.

Check out our IMC programme website.

Programme contents:

  • Media aesthetic education practices
  • Media art, media culture and contemporary arts
  • Curatorial strategies in media culture
  • Media, culture, and technology: historical and future perspectives
  • Interculturality and inclusion in media cultural work
  • Media cultural economy and artistic entrepreneurship
  • Audience research and development
  • Media cultural and artistic project management
  • Marketing, publishing, and public relations
  • Event and display technologies
  • Media, entertainment, and event law
  • Emerging technologies
Course organisation

Applicants with an equivalent of 180 ECTS credits have to complete an industrial placement before the third semester (which results in a programme duration of four semesters).

Applicants with 210 ECTS credits may begin directly with the programme's courses (which results in a programme duration of three semesters).

Students acquire qualifications and competencies in the modules of the programme. The overall amount of credit points for compulsory modules (Transdisciplinary Media Cultural Projects / TMCPs) is identical with the amount of credit points for electives. The third and fourth semesters are dedicated to the Master's project.

The compulsory Transdisciplinary Media Cultural Project modules are research-oriented and transdisciplinary. They are based on a modified project-based learning concept, merging theoretical knowledge, cultural concepts, technological methods, and managerial steering strategies. One of their central learning outcomes is the implementation of theories, concepts, and strategies into successful practices for public audiences. The TMCPs are organised in cooperation with public cultural institutions.

The elective modules within the field of Curating and Communicating are complemented by electives from the field of Management and Technology. They can be selected according to personal preferences and specialisations.

More information on the content of the programme:

Programme structure in detail:

Course catalogue in detail:

PDF Download
A Diploma supplement will be issued
International elements
  • International guest lecturers
  • Specialist literature in other languages
  • Language training provided
  • Training in intercultural skills
  • Projects with partners in Germany and abroad
  • Content-related regional focus
Integrated internships

For applicants with 180 ECTS credits, a one-semester internship before the final semester is part of the programme.

Course-specific, integrated German language courses
Course-specific, integrated English language courses
Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Semester contribution

Currently 373 EUR (includes free public transport in the whole of Germany with regional trains and buses ("Deutschlandticket"))

Costs of living

Approx. 800 — 1,100 EUR

Funding opportunities within the university
Description of the above-mentioned funding opportunities within the university

Check study financing opportunities and scholarships for Master's students here:

Academic admission requirements

To be admitted to this Master's programme, a diploma ("Diplom") or Bachelor's degree is required from one of the following fields: digital media, media culture, or media pedagogy.

Applicants with a degree in media-related fields (e.g. media design, media informatics and technology, media management, journalism) or other related fields (e.g. cultural management, social pedagogy, social work, design, art history, musicology) will be checked for eligibility, as will those applicants with a grade point average below 1.9 (or German standard equivalent).

During the eligibility assessment, which is carried out by a department committee, the final grade point average of the Bachelor's degree or diploma, practical experience, and a letter of motivation are taken into consideration. A good command of English is also required. If you graduated with a Bachelor's degree worth 180 ECTS credits (or equivalent), an industrial placement must be completed during the study.

For detailed information on the application process, see:

Language requirements

A very good command of English is required.
Applicants provide proof of their English language skills by submitting all of their application statements (CV, letter of motivation, outline of a scholarly exposé, etc.) in English.

Application deadline

For international applicants who need to submit their application via uni-assist, the deadlines are as follows:
1 June – for the following winter semester
1 December – for the following summer semester
It is highly recommended to submit the applications earlier in order to avoid last-minute pressure and delays.
For more information, see:
Uni-assist is an institution that checks whether individual candidates' formal qualifications are equivalent to the German standards required in order to apply to the requested programmes.

The deadlines for German degree holders are as follows: 
1 September – for the following winter semester
1 March – for the following summer semester

Important for all applicants:
Admission requirements:
Frequently asked questions:

Submit application to

International applicants:
Hochschule Darmstadt
c/o uni-assist e.V.
11507 Berlin

German degree holders should apply directly to Hochschule Darmstadt's Student Service Centre SSC:

Possibility of finding part-time employment

For postgraduate students, jobs in the regional media and culture industry are possible, depending on expertise, language, proactivity, and technical skills.

The Jobportal der h_da offers jobs for students.

More information is available from Stellenwerk Darmstadt or the Studierendenwerk.


Accommodation is available through the Student Services Office or on the private market. Rent for a single room in a student residence is approx. 450 EUR. Private housing can be found on the Internet at:

Career advisory service

The programme contains seminars and workshops that provide the students with career advice. These seminars and workshops show the range of possibilities of individual professional development and make the students fit for competition.

Support for international students and doctoral candidates
  • Welcome event
  • Cultural and linguistic preparation
Supervisor-student ratio
On average, six to eight students are taken care of by one lecturer.

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Content Bild
IMC students explore implementing their curatorial media art concept. © IMC student collective

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is one of the major universities of applied sciences in Germany and is a member of the European EUT+ academic network.

Those who seek a practically relevant and scientifically sound postgraduate education should choose Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da). According to the renowned magazine Wirtschaftswoche (Economic Week), h_da enjoys a top reputation with German personnel managers and scores highly because of its close connection with professional practitioners and business organisations.

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is renowned for the following:

  • efficient course organisation
  • short durations of study
  • practical work in cooperation with professional organisations as an integral programme aspect
  • optimal preparation for entry into professional life

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences also offers possibilities to suitable and advanced students to join ongoing academic research projects and teams.

For more information, please see:

University location

The IMC Master's programme is located on Media Campus Dieburg, situated in a beautiful rural environment not far from Darmstadt and conveniently accessible by public transport.

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