All courses are offered entirely in English.
Twice a year at the end of April and October for the following semester (October, April) or the following academic year if early decisions are required.
Additional application deadlines may be advertised beyond this. Current information can always be found on the website:
The Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science seeks to provide an ideal environment for pursuing graduate studies in advanced computer science. We offer a stimulating, top-notch international teaching and research environment covering almost all areas of computer science.
Computer science established itself early on as a prominent field of research at Saarland University and is now the core around which internationally renowned state-of-the-art research institutes in informatics are gathered:
- Saarland University
- Max Planck Institute for Informatics
- Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
- CISPA – Helmholtz Center for Information Security
- German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
- Center for Bioinformatics (CBI)
All of these institutes are active partners in the graduate school.
In addition, there is a long-standing collaboration between related research units and departments on campus, such as computational linguistics, cognitive sciences, business information systems, computer science and law, and bioinformatics, providing a rich selection of courses and countless research opportunities.
The Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science incorporates the co-located International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS-TRUST) for students at Saarland University. The graduate school is home to some 450 doctoral candidates in Saarbrücken, including about 70 candidates in the preparatory phase (see academic programme below).
The graduate school's academic programme includes a tailored preparatory phase with a very broad selection of course offerings and the opportunity to get acquainted with various research areas. Early entry is possible for talented candidates starting with an excellent Bachelor's degree. Upon successful completion of the preparatory phase, students go on to the main research and dissertation phase. Each student also has the possibility to submit a Master's thesis in order to obtain a Master's degree on the way if this is desired.
The preparatory phase of our programme is compatible with our Master's programme. Graduate school students have additional breadth requirements as well as special research immersion labs to find their way into future research groups early on.