International Programmes 2024/2025

Global Health Global Health

Fulda University of Applied Sciences • Fulda

Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Teaching language
  • English

The programme is in English. Students can take language courses of their choice within the regularly scheduled course of studies.

The Bachelor's thesis needs to be written in English.

Programme duration
7 semesters
Summer semester
Application deadline

Start of the application period via uni-assist: 1 September

Deadline for applications: 31 March

Current information regarding application deadlines can be found on the programme's website.

Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Joint degree / double degree programme

The "Global Health" study programme at Fulda University of Applied Sciences is the first of its kind in Germany to offer the opportunity to complete undergraduate studies with a focus on global health challenges.

In today's interconnected world, there is a growing demand for professionals equipped to navigate global health complexities. Our programme meets this need by providing students with a comprehensive education in health, social, and political sciences. With small class sizes and opportunities for international engagement, including a semester abroad and internships, students gain valuable insights and hands-on experience.

With a focus on reducing health disparities and promoting health equity worldwide, the programme addresses the structural, political, social, economic, and environmental factors that shape patterns of health and illness across the globe. The multidisciplinary programme tackles the complexity of health through engagement with health systems, societal determinants of health, and planetary health as well as efforts to understand the power dynamics shaping global health inequities. Students learn to engage critically with many dimensions affecting global health, including the policies of governments and other actors, migration and population growth, disparities in wealth, and climate change.

We offer online info sessions on a regular basis. Current dates can be found on the programme website.

Course organisation

This is a full-time, on-campus study programme. The teaching language is English throughout the programme.

Important to note is that the "Welcome Week" is mandatory and is part of one of the first semester modules. Therefore, to earn credits for this module, students must attend at least 80% of the "Welcome Week". The Welcome Week is scheduled to take place in the second week of April. Students will receive all necessary information upon admission.

Analysing challenges, structures, and strategies in global health is at the centre of the study programme. The broad scope of the course includes subjects such as the global burden of disease, health systems in the global context, planetary health, and global health policy architecture.

During the fourth semester, there is an arranged period for studying abroad.

In semesters five and six, all students participate in a study project that spans both semesters, providing an opportunity to apply their knowledge to practice.

All students complete an internship of 480 hours (= three months) in the seventh semester.

A Diploma supplement will be issued
International elements
  • International guest lecturers
  • Language training provided
  • Training in intercultural skills
  • Projects with partners in Germany and abroad
  • International comparisons and thematic reference to the international context
  • Integrated/optional study abroad unit(s)
  • Opportunities for students to work abroad
Integrated/optional study abroad unit(s)

In the fourth semester, students with a German university entrance qualification are required to complete a semester abroad. Students with non-German university entrance qualifications have the option to complete a semester abroad or choose from a variety of modules within Fulda University or another university in Germany.

Integrated internships

An internship of 480 hours (= three months) is to be completed during the seventh semester.

The internship must be with an organisation or institution outside of Germany, working in a health-related field.

Programme advisers will assist students with finding an appropriate internship.

Course-specific, integrated German language courses
Course-specific, integrated English language courses
Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Semester contribution

A semester contribution of around 330 EUR is charged to cover the cost of student services, the student government, and an administrative fee as well as the "Deutschland semester ticket" (a student bus and rail pass for local and regional public transport all over Germany).

Costs of living

Approx. 900 to 950 EUR per month, including food, rent and health insurance (approx. 120 EUR per month), depending on one's living standard

Funding opportunities within the university
Description of the above-mentioned funding opportunities within the university

International students may apply for the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship.

Academic admission requirements

To be eligible for admission, candidates need a university entrance qualification ("Hochschulzugangsberechtigung", "HZB") for German universities.

If you do not have a direct university entry qualification to study in Germany, you can acquire one through our university's pre-college programme. See this link for more information.

Language requirements

To be eligible for admission, candidates must have proven English language proficiency at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Prospective international students of Global Health can prepare themselves linguistically and academically for their studies within our pre-study programme. All relevant information about the Global Health programme and the pre-study programme can be found on our website.

Application deadline

Start of the application period via uni-assist: 1 September

Deadline for applications: 31 March

Current information regarding application deadlines can be found on the programme's website.

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Possibility of finding part-time employment

From tutoring jobs and student assistantships at Fulda University to typical student jobs in restaurants, shops, and many other industries in the city of Fulda and its surrounding area, there is a wide range of job opportunities available.


The International Office offers an accommodation service for international students coming directly from abroad. Costs for accommodation amount to approx. 350 to 450 EUR per month for a single room in a shared flat or 450 to 600 EUR per month for a single apartment. There are excellent, newly built student residences within walking distance of the university.

For more information on housing, see:

Career advisory service

The university offers a dedicated career service. For more information, see here.

Support for international students and doctoral candidates
  • Buddy programme
  • Tutors
  • Cultural and linguistic preparation
  • Visa matters
  • Welcome event
  • Help with finding accommodation

Fulda University of Applied Sciences

Content Bild
Fulda University campus © Hochschule Fulda

Fulda University of Applied Sciences is a practice-oriented university with an international profile and a strong focus on applied research. Fulda University is the first university of applied sciences in Germany with the independent right to confer doctoral degrees. Founded in 1974, the university currently encompasses eight departments with over 60 study programmes and approx. 8,700 students, including over 1,750 international students from more than 90 countries. The university offers a broad spectrum of academic and professional education. Numerous research and development projects are undertaken in cooperation with private business and industry. Fulda University cooperates with more than 100 universities around the world. The number of international programmes is growing continuously. These programmes are partly or entirely taught in English.
At the Bachelor's level, we currently offer six international Bachelor's programmes: Science & Engineering, Industrial Engineering Food, Social Sciences for Intercultural Relations, Food Technology, Global Health, and International Business & Management. At the Master's level, we offer six programmes: International Management; Intercultural Communication and European Studies; International Food Business and Consumer Studies; Global Software Development; Data Science; and Human Rights Studies in Politics, Law, and Society.

Further programmes designed for international students include the following:

  1. Pre-College Fulda, a preparatory year for applicants with and without a higher education entrance qualification for Germany
  2. Pre-Study Fulda, a preparatory semester for international applicants that includes German language training
  3. Career service for international students and graduates
  4. Preparatory intensive German courses
  5. German courses (accompanying studies)
  6. Support services, e.g. for housing and visa as well as a buddy programme and orientation week
  7. International Summer University (ISU), International Winter University (IWU), International Course in Business (ICB), and International Course in Social Work (ICSW)
19.5% International students
90 Number of countries international students come from

University location

A historic city founded in 744, Fulda today has a population of 70,000 with approx. 100,000 people living in the region. Fulda's Baroque quarter is one of the most beautiful in Germany and attracts visitors from all over the world. The picturesque Old Town has many cafés, bars, and pubs, with numerous shops and boutiques. The city's cultural life has something to offer for everyone. The high quality of life makes Fulda a great place to live and an ideal place to study. Fulda enjoys ideal public transport connections. One of Europe's principal international airports, Frankfurt International, is just one hour away by car or direct train. Other major cities in Germany, like Berlin, Munich, Cologne, or Hamburg, are within easy reach and only two to three hours away by train. Even famous European capitals like Paris and Brussels are reachable within five hours by train.

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