International Programmes 2024/2025

International Management International Management

Fulda University of Applied Sciences • Fulda

Master of Science
Teaching language
  • English

The programme is offered in English. Some elective courses may be offered in German only. The Master's thesis may be written in either English or German.

The university offers a language centre where language courses in German, French, Spanish, Chinese, etc., can be taken on a voluntary basis.

Programme duration
3 semesters, 4 semesters
Winter and summer semester
Additional information on beginning, duration and mode of study

The programme is offered in two variants. Applicants with a Bachelor's degree equivalent to 210 ECTS or more are admitted to the standard, three-semester variant, applicants with a Bachelor's degree equivalent to less than 210 ECTS (but at least 180 ECTS) need to study in the four-semester variant because they have to earn an additional 30 ECTS.

Teaching in a winter semester usually starts in mid-October, in a summer semester in mid-April.

Application deadline


  • Winter semester: 15 July
  • Summer semester: 15 January

Other nationalities:

  • Winter semester: 15 June
  • Summer semester: 15 December

For updates and details, see:

Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Combined Master's degree / PhD programme
Joint degree / double degree programme

Processes of (de-)globalisation pose ever new challenges to large corporate groups as well as small- and medium-sized enterprises. In the past, the focus was on issues such as fierce international competition, opening up new sales markets, and optimising global value chains. Today the focus is on the changing economic world order and its consequences for companies.

A qualification in international management is therefore more relevant than ever. With our degree programme, we will optimally prepare you for management roles and responsibilities in international companies. The focus is on corporate leadership and strategic management. You will also gain legal and economic knowledge that is vital in a globalised economy.

Course organisation

The International Management Master's programme is organised as follows: during your first semester, you will develop your business skills in the areas of human resources, marketing, and corporate governance with an international focus. You will also be familiarised with the relevant quantitative methods, international business law, and international economics. The second semester is devoted to expanding and solidifying your knowledge in risk, innovation, and strategic management. You will gain insight into the controllership of international companies. Furthermore, you will be fostering your social skills in the areas of leadership and communication as well as your entrepreneurial skills. In the third semester, cross-linking modules are offered: an extensive, computer-based business simulation game in which you co-lead an international high-tech company in a team, and the Master's thesis on an international management topic of your choice, often in cooperation with a company. Two elective modules in the second and third semesters allow you to set your own priorities.

The programme consists of lectures, seminars, practical elements, workshops, excursions, small-group discussions, and tutorials. The Department of Business maintains a significant number of lively ERASMUS+ partnerships with universities throughout Europe, and further collaborations with universities in the USA, Korea, Jordan, and Australia to name but a few. You have the opportunity to take advantage of this excellent network of partner universities for a complementary study abroad period. In some cases it is even possible to obtain a second degree in the context of your study abroad period in addition to the MSc degree in Fulda. The department also runs its own Internship Unit, which provides assistance in finding placements in Germany or abroad.

In order to graduate, students are required to pass all 13 mandatory modules plus the two elective courses, resulting in 90 ECTS overall. In the four-semester variant you are required to obtain an additional 30 ECTS, for instance through a six-month internship, a semester abroad or by taking additional modules.

A special preparatory programme is offered for potential applicants to the Master's programme in International Management. This course takes one semester and provides advanced preparation for students from abroad who want to "warm up" before starting their future studies in Fulda. It offers German and English language courses, preparatory courses on Principles of Management, Financial and Managerial Accounting, an introduction to the methods and techniques of academic work, and an introduction to the higher education system in Germany. Priority is assigned to Master's applicants. For more information regarding this pre-study course, please check:

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A Diploma supplement will be issued
International elements
  • Courses are led with foreign partners
  • International comparisons and thematic reference to the international context
  • Specialist literature in other languages
Description of other international elements
  • Erasmus+ Exchange options available
  • Options for tuition-free study abroad available
  • Internships abroad possible
  • Double degree options available
Integrated internships

No obligatory internship included

Course-specific, integrated German language courses
Course-specific, integrated English language courses
Tuition fees per semester in EUR
Semester contribution

A semester contribution of around 330 EUR is charged to cover the cost of student services, the student government, and an administrative fee as well as the "Deutschland semester ticket" (a student bus and rail pass for local and regional public transport all over Germany).

Costs of living

Approx. 900 to 950 EUR per month, including food, rent and health insurance (approx. 120 EUR per month), depending on one's living standard

Funding opportunities within the university
Description of the above-mentioned funding opportunities within the university

International students may apply for the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship.

Academic admission requirements

Bachelor's degree or equivalent in the field of business administration or economics. Minimum credits have to be equivalent to 180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Equivalence of credits will be checked after application.

Students with less than 210 ECTS in their Bachelor's degree will study in the four-semester variant of the programme. They are required to obtain an additional 30 ECTS (besides the 90 ECTS awarded in the Master's programme), for instance, through a six-month internship, a semester abroad, or by taking additional modules.

In the case that eligible applicants outnumber available places, a selection process will take place, taking into consideration the overall average grade of the first degree of each applicant.

Language requirements

English language proficiency at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is required. For accepted certificates and waivers, please consult the admissions website. German language skills are not required.

Application deadline


  • Winter semester: 15 July
  • Summer semester: 15 January

Other nationalities:

  • Winter semester: 15 June
  • Summer semester: 15 December

For updates and details, see:

Submit application to

For further information about requirements and the application process as well as contact information in case of further questions about applications, please visit:

Possibility of finding part-time employment

From tutoring jobs and student assistantships at Fulda University to typical student jobs in restaurants, shops, and many other industries in the city of Fulda and its surrounding area, there is a wide range of job opportunities available.


The International Office offers an accommodation service for international students coming directly from abroad. Costs for accommodation amount to approx. 350 to 450 EUR per month for a single room in a shared flat or 450 to 600 EUR per month for a single apartment. There are excellent, newly built student residences within walking distance of the university.

For more information on housing, see:

Career advisory service

Career Services are offered for international students by the university's International Office.

Support for international students and doctoral candidates
  • Welcome event
  • Buddy programme
  • Tutors
  • Cultural and linguistic preparation
  • Accompanying programme
  • Specialist counselling

Fulda University of Applied Sciences

Content Bild
Fulda University campus © Hochschule Fulda

Fulda University of Applied Sciences is a practice-oriented university with an international profile and a strong focus on applied research. Fulda University is the first university of applied sciences in Germany with the independent right to confer doctoral degrees. Founded in 1974, the university currently encompasses eight departments with over 60 study programmes and approx. 8,700 students, including over 1,750 international students from more than 90 countries. The university offers a broad spectrum of academic and professional education. Numerous research and development projects are undertaken in cooperation with private business and industry. Fulda University cooperates with more than 100 universities around the world. The number of international programmes is growing continuously. These programmes are partly or entirely taught in English.
At the Bachelor's level, we currently offer six international Bachelor's programmes: Science & Engineering, Industrial Engineering Food, Social Sciences for Intercultural Relations, Food Technology, Global Health, and International Business & Management. At the Master's level, we offer six programmes: International Management; Intercultural Communication and European Studies; International Food Business and Consumer Studies; Global Software Development; Data Science; and Human Rights Studies in Politics, Law, and Society.

Further programmes designed for international students include the following:

  1. Pre-College Fulda, a preparatory year for applicants with and without a higher education entrance qualification for Germany
  2. Pre-Study Fulda, a preparatory semester for international applicants that includes German language training
  3. Career service for international students and graduates
  4. Preparatory intensive German courses
  5. German courses (accompanying studies)
  6. Support services, e.g. for housing and visa as well as a buddy programme and orientation week
  7. International Summer University (ISU), International Winter University (IWU), International Course in Business (ICB), and International Course in Social Work (ICSW)
19.5% International students
90 Number of countries international students come from

University location

A historic city founded in 744, Fulda today has a population of 70,000 with approx. 100,000 people living in the region. Fulda's Baroque quarter is one of the most beautiful in Germany and attracts visitors from all over the world. The picturesque Old Town has many cafés, bars, and pubs, with numerous shops and boutiques. The city's cultural life has something to offer for everyone. The high quality of life makes Fulda a great place to live and an ideal place to study. Fulda enjoys ideal public transport connections. One of Europe's principal international airports, Frankfurt International, is just one hour away by car or direct train. Other major cities in Germany, like Berlin, Munich, Cologne, or Hamburg, are within easy reach and only two to three hours away by train. Even famous European capitals like Paris and Brussels are reachable within five hours by train.

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