International Programmes 2024/2025

International University Winter Course for German Language and Culture International Winter Course for German Language and Culture

University of Münster • Münster

Course location
In cooperation with


Teaching language
  • German
Language level of course
  • German: B2
  • 13 January - 21 February 2025 (Registration deadline of course provider: 11 November 2024)
Target group

Students and academics from all faculties as well as high school graduates and professionals with an academic background who would like to improve their German language skills


This is what you can expect from the course:

  • 150 lessons (45 minutes each) of German practice in all four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) as well as grammar practice
  • groups of participants at the same level of proficiency
  • average number of participants per group: 17
Recognised language exams offered (e.g. DSH, TestDaF, TOEFL)
Other degrees / qualifications awarded
ECTS points (max.)
Average number of hours per week
Average number of participants per group/course
Dates and costs
  • 13 January - 21 February 2025 (Registration deadline of course provider: 11 November 2024), costs: EUR 1,250
This price includes
  • Course fees
  • Accompanying programme
Teaching language
  • German
Language level of course
  • German: B2
Language requirements

All participants must have a German language proficiency level of B1.

Submit application to

Is accommodation organised?
Accommodation is arranged by the organiser.
Type of accommodation

Private accommodation
A room with a host family or in a shared flat can be arranged. The rent is between 460 and 600 EUR per month without meals, but participants have the possibility to use the kitchen. There may be a deposit for the room – if so, you will be notified of this in advance.

Bedsheets and cutlery are available and can be rented for 10 EUR. Upon return, a refund of 5 EUR will be issued.


You can eat affordably in the canteens of the university. A meal costs about 6 EUR.

Is a social and leisure programme offered?
Description of social and leisure programme

Leisure-time activities outside of class: guided tour of the city, museums, cinema, international buffet, welcome party, visiting a German pub, cinema, sport activities, farewell party

Our excursion programme offers two excursions.

Free internet access
Support in visa matters
Pick-up service from train station/airport

University of Münster

University location

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More programmes

Bachelor's degree

Master's degree


Language course/short course

Preparatory course